Welcome to AERO Publications GmbH

The individual company Aero Publications GmbH Bürgi, founded in 1996, was renamed AEROPublications GmbH in 2003. Since its inception the company has published texts, photos, brochures, booklets and online newsletters for various Swiss aviation customers. In 2013, the company entered into the book publishing business. Aviation Media AG, the publisher of the successful monthly magazine SkyNews.ch, is an affiliated company of AERO Publications GmbH.

An excerpt from our list of customers

Aviation Media AG, www.skynews.ch

Aerosuisse – the umbrella organisation for Swiss aerospace, www.aerosuisse.ch

Helico-Skyheli AG, www.helico-skyheli.ch

Swissair Personal-Vereinigung, www.pvsr.ch

Growing Aviation Intelligence, www.growingagroup.com

Kyburz Switzerland AG, electric vehicles, www.kyburz-dxp.ch

Schweizer Luftwaffe, www.luftwaffe.ch

Our partners

Teammedia GmbH, layout and image editing, www.teammedia.ch

AVD Goldach, printing company, www.avd.ch

SSE AG, online partner, www.sse.ch